Monday 2 March 2015


Feeling: Shaky

I was so nervous yesterday, oh my gosh! Okay so, there are lots of limitations to what I can tell about the nursery, so no details of course, but the little ones are adorable!

Reading Material

I have a pretty chunky info pack with quizzes and checklists so I cover everything and understand all the safety policies and stuff. Today is only Day 2 and last night I almost finished it all, so I'm pretty chuffed with myself! I need to remember to take a couple of references as well - it was never mentioned when I went for my interview :S oh well.

My first day

So my first day I was in the with the babies, there were four women with them and they all seem really nice, of course they have a happy, calm temperament for their jobs and they do everything amazingly, like it's second nature. I don't know how much experience they all have, but it's a lot I reckon :)

My mentor is so nice and friendly, I feel like I can ask her any questions and she doesn't mind, she knows how much to go into the baby care basics with me. I think she'll be pleased when she sees my pace of learning :)

Some of the things I got to do were feeding with a bottle, putting a baby to sleep in their cot, nappy changing, I helped with snack times and general playtime inside and in the back garden. Yesterday was a real whizz of information getting thrown at me, but I'm sure it won't be long until I have all the record keeping down.

Warming into it

Pretty proud of myself, I'm only going to be there 4 hours a day Monday to Friday and by the end of my shift I pretty much knew all the baby's names and I was getting used to their mini personalities. They are all super sweet, of course a fair few tantrums, but they were gradually warming up to me and by 5pm they would waddle towards me so I could read them a book!

So, the highlight of my day was everything going well. It was daunting getting flooded with information in only 4 hours, but everyone is so nice and friendly, so I know if ever I have a problem i can go to any one of the girls :)

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