Friday 6 March 2015


Feeling: Okay

Don't feel well

I've got horrible aching in my lower jaw right at the back, ow :( I'll try to find some gel or something to try to numb the area before I go to the day nursery. Ooooowwwww! I'm not feeling too well anyway. I'll see how I feel in a little bit and if I don't feel much better, I'll call the nursery.

Change of plans

I decided not to worry about looking at places during Easter, it's too early, especially considering I haven't even sent my application yet, let alone got a response from anywhere yet.

* * * * *

So run dooown today, I don't think going out today is a good idea. I'll ring the nursery and then plan a productive day inside, so I'll take it easier but still use the day wisely. Let's see what I can get done today:

Shower/Get dressed
Book easter train to boyfriend's (yay!)
Complete day nursery forms
Major tidy up
Work on cross stitch pieces

Any in terms of my Postgraduate application, I have to:

Start my personal statement
Add work experience on UCAS Teacher Training application
Organise references
Log work experience completed
Ring local Primary schools for more work experience

I think that's enough *yawn* time for a chocolate digestive...

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