Wednesday 4 March 2015


Feeling: Overwhelmed
Watching: AprilJustinTV (youtube channel)

I don't feel nervous as such, maybe only with particular tasks like nappy changing, but otherwise I feel like I'm settling in.

So much information!

Last night and this morning though, I'm worrying about remembering everything, My brain feels like it's going to explode if I try to take in any more information! I mean some information is in folders and on the walls and stuff, but there's a lot to absorb and the thing is, most people who go here for work experience stay for months so they have more time to absorb and go over everything, but I - at the moment - only have 2 weeks there. I still need to ring my own primary school to see if I can help in Reception for a couple of weeks, then I will have covered the whole Early Years Foundation Stage! :)

Giving bloooooood

Right, let's see how today goes. Oh yeah, I'm giving blood tonight - my 3rd donation :) you need to have a full stomach when you go and I don't have time to walk home from the nursery and grab something, so I'll have to prepare something to take with me this afternoon. Maybe I'll ask my mentor if I can leave just before 5 so I definitely make it, I'm sure she'll be fine with that :)

* * * * *

Growing confidence

I'm feeling that little bit more integrated and used to the day nursery environment. Pretty knackered, I imagine it would take a while for me to build up my energy and stamina for the little ones! Yes I was only there for half the day, but we had 13 babies today in total. That's a lot of noise, a lot of escapees and a lot of nappy changes (that I so gratefully was spared the task of)! It wasn't as bad as I expected and I'm really pleasantly surprised that the tantrums and screams haven't bothered me at all since I started at the nursery.

Giving blood went fairly smoothly. There's always a fair bit of waiting time and strangely my blood was low in iron, but just enough to allow me to donate, which I was relieved about because it gives me such a great feeling after donating!

The highlight of my day was preventing some baby meltdowns and doing my third blood donation :) looking forward to curling up in my cosy bed now.

Goodnight Xx

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