Tuesday 10 March 2015


Feeling: So rubbish
Watching: AprilJustinTV

Cup of tea. Check.
Mum's floofy dressing gown. Check.
TV remote: Check.
Netflix. Check (as of yesterday, exciting!)

I rang the nursery so, of course, not able to go in. I am going to have to ring them to arrange different dates in a few weeks to continue my work experience later, once I'm back to normal.

Bath trip

Will I feel well enough? I don't knoooow. If I do, I'll make sure to wrap up with scarves and layers, which is the easy part. We wouldn't leave until mid afternoon, so I have time to watch some tv and just rest on the sofa before deciding.

Dad's tone

Since dad will be driving me, the worry is holding onto my nerves. The thing with my papi is the way he communicates can be very aggravating, he's got an accusing tone of voice all the time. In Italy, all conversation is pretty aggressive sounding, but it's normal, so in the UK, he sounds angry nearly all the time! He just doesn't hear it, but it aggravates the rest of us, because he is probably just making an observation or giving advice, but it sounds very...stabby.

Ooooh I just remembered I have a thick slice of cake waiting for me....

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