Thursday 5 March 2015


Feeling: Irritable

Looking forward to going this afteroon. My sister has been away for a couple of days for work and now that she's back, I've coiled back into my shadow, trying to avoid her. To be fair, I am being sensible trying to stay away from people who don't make me feel good, it just so happens that we're related.

At least it's motivation to get the day going. I've got to wash my hair and get ready this morning, so I'll hop away in a second. Oh, more forms to fill in too :P


My neighbours are going on holiday for a couple of weeks and I'm going to be taking care of their cat for them! She's so gorgeous, she's black with white socks, but I've only ever seen her as a total fraidy cat.

Sadly, she gets tormented by this other really fluffy girl and they get into territory scraps whenever the fluffy one sees her which is horrible but it's just how cats are isn't it!

Apparently she's totally different in the house and she likes cuddles, so I think in the evenings after feeding her, I'll cuddle with her in front of their TV. I asked if I could do that and they are so nice, they've even given me some money as a thank you for looking after her, she's their baby :) so cute.

I just hope she warms to me after a while.

* * * * *

Naturally, I am so totally knackered. It's definitely a solution to insomnia, I tell you! We're going to have one of my favourite meals tonight: cheese and onion. It's in like a mashed up form and you put it in bread and butter, it's sooooo good.

Glittery dress up

My afternoon was fun, I really enjoyed it but I'm nervous now about my chances of getting into a course. I'll still try :) today we made some mother's day cards with paint and glitter - tons of glitter - we played games outside, I told some stories from books that the kids brought in - since it's World Book Day - and they were so excited! They were all dressed up too! We had some Elsas, a lion (cub), some spidermen, superman, other princesses, they all looked so sweet. Of course, they were in and out of their outfits throughout the afternoon...

A cold accent?

A lady who works in the Pre-school part, I'm not sure where she's from, but she's eastern european I think and reminds me of a boss I had years ago. She was horrible and I just hear a coldness in the accent now. That probably sounds ignorant. She is nice and really great with the little ones, but something about the accent, I don't know. Maybe it's just me, I'm putting my old bosses voice into someone else's :/

The highlight of my day is being comfortable enough with the kids to improvise and teach them about different animals around the world. I felt really proud to pass on fun facts and get them interested in animals :)

My hands smell of chalk uuhh..

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