Monday 9 March 2015


Feeling: Rubbish
Watching: Supervet (on 4od)


I've been under the weather since Friday and sadly I've had to stay away from the day nursery. On Friday, I only had a sore throat, but my voice has almost completely gone now and I think a chest infection is developing.

This is nerve-racking, at first I was getting upset because I was panicking about making a good impression at the day nursery. Due to my qualifications, my work experience is my golden ticket to get into teacher training and I need a sparkling reference.

Of course, I've told the nursery I will stay longer to make up for the days I'm off sick, although I was intending to extend my work experience there anyway.

Hopefully I will have built up my classroom immunity by the time I (maybe) start in Reception!

Big trip cancelled?

Tomorrow is supposed to be an important day, because there's an information evening for my No.1 teaching course option and it would have meant a bit of a drive there, a 2 hour talk, then a drive home. Plus, my dad would be driving and I don't know how calm I would stay! I am thinking I won't be well enough to go back to the nursery in the morning, but I was still intending to go to the info evening. My mum doesn't think it's a good idea though :/ I guess we'll just see how I feel in the morning.

My highlight of the day was having a nice, little chat with my guy and having my neighbour's cat curl up on my lap and purr purr purr away after I fed her dinner :D

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