Saturday 14 March 2015


Feeling: Sloppy
Listening to: BBC Radio 2

Right, today is choc-a-block with plans and hopefully everything will go smoothly. I am baking a gorgeous lemon and orange custard tart for Mother's Day tomorrow and I have to make it today because it needs 7 hours to chill! At least that won't catch me by surprise like the first time I made it! I swear, I wanted to cry.

Then I have the joyous task of hair removal for the afternoon *sigh* maybe that's TMI, but hey, it's my blog xD it takes me forever and a half to do, so when it's on the list I assign almost a day for it!

Onward and upward, let's get on with it. Oh, and I haven't taken my meds today yet, better get onto that or I'll be in the worst mood and snap at everyone.

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