Tuesday 3 February 2015


Feeling: Let down

Today has been a bad day turned into a good one - hoorah! Still annoyed about this whole thing, ermm..

Damn Jobcentre

Right, I was ready to head over to my best friend's house when I thought I'd best try to ring Jobcentre again - I tried to ring them last Friday but couldn't get through to anyone - to see what's up with my thingymajig. They're bloody cheeky!

To be eligible for the one I claimed for, among other factors you have to work 'up to 16 hours a week', so when I filled in the forms Threadkin was kicking off and I was in my really enthusiastic honeymoon period and I put in the forms I was working 16 hours a week. Since I am self-employed and it's almost like a little hobby that I just want to make some money off, I knew the hours would be flexible and I could easily get things done in 16 hours/week.

'We have decided you aren't eligible'

TURNS OUT *fumes* they should say '15 hours or less' makes you eligible and '16 hours or more' makes you... not. So I spoke to an 'advisor' - I'm really working the air bunnies! - and she said, in her monotone voice: 'You told us you work 16 hours a week and we have decided that you aren't eligible for your claim.' EXCUSE ME, but on your damn forms it says I can work up to 16 hours. That SHOULD mean 16 hours is also allowed!!

So, because of the damn phrasing of their conditions to be eligible, I misunderstood it and have been waiting for about £700 worth to come through which, as it turns out, was never going to happen!! I first set this up early October for god's sake!

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