Monday 9 February 2015

What a long day / Secret reveal

Feeling: Knackered

Today was pretty busy. I had my therapy session at 3 and because it takes a while to get there, I have to leave plenty of time for the journey, plus I had things to do beforehand.

Opening up

I decided to tell my CBT Therapist about my ex boyfriend. I've never told a health professional about it and I thought it was about time because it plays a part in my low self esteem. She didn't actually have much to say about it, but it made sense and I felt like I could breathe a bit better after I spat it out...eventually. I do wish I had gone to someone about it sooner, but then it's not very black and white. With sexual coercion, you're not sure if you want to or not because they convince you into doing things that originally you refused to. It took me about a year to realise I hadn't given my consent to most...err, occasions and sadly it has left its mark.

Trust the journey

Working through it, like many mental health conditions, is a gradual process and it is easy to think you'll never get there. All you can do is keep going and trust the journey.

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