Wednesday 25 February 2015


Feeling: Nervous


I hate being nervous. It's a mood you just can't shake off, it holds on like a limpet. I'm all ready to head out to my first Parent + Toddler Group session at my church, but not leaving the house for another half hour. So I'm twiddling my thumbs, covering everything - if I need to get the bus somewhere new I'll find the route on an interactive map then make Plans B/C/D in case of mishaps! Last night, I even went through my bus journey in street view from beginning to end so I'd know what the streets look like and I don't panic thinking I've passed my stop. Bit excessive?

Why the nerves?

I don't think I'm nervous with what I'll be doing, but simply the fact that it's a new experience and unfamiliar territory. When I tell someone I'm nervous with something like this, they automatically say 'Oh, you'll be fine'..... yeah I know, that's not what I'm nervous about :P

Bagging work experience

Unfortunately, I have to leave the group session early to head to my chat at the nursery about work experience. It just didn't occur to me when I agreed to the time, but it doesn't matter :) now this, I am definitely nervous about this for what I'll be doing, it's a different kind of nerves to me.

Oooohhh gosh :/

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