Monday 23 February 2015


I might have just turned this around!

So I had a lush shower and everything, but after drying my hair, I skulked on the bed watching youtube clips of Keeping Up With the Kardashians (don't judge me, it's entertaining). Mum gave me a ring to see how I was going and I admitted I hadn't taken many more steps forward since our chat an hour earlier!

Ringing up

Mum was super nice about it, she knows how I feel when talking over the phone and gave me some gentle nudges of encouragement. I might not have gone out (it is grey and occasionally hailing really badly) but I started making calls. Turns out I only needed to make two! The first day nursery already had someone in for work experience but gave me the owner's contacts so I could enquire for further into the future. Then I rang another day nursery and luckily enough they were happy to consider me!

Depression - 0, Jess - 1!

So yes, not a done deal yet, but I have a way in!! I have emailed them my cover letter and CV and I'm going there on Wednesday for a chat. Ooohh exciting :D I rang mum about it cause I was so happy and I figured - as I was saying it - that I'll see how it goes and if they do take me on, what hours I will be doing, because depending on that, I might still go to my primary school for experience in other years. I plan to specialise in early years - children from 0-5 yrs - so hopefully they could put me in their reception class. We'll see how Wednesday goes first though :D

Gosh, Wednesday is going to be a big day, I have a parent and toddler group at my church that I've offered to volunteer at just before my day nursery chat/interview. I just hope I go to bed on Wednesday wanting to go ahead with these teaching plans :/

The highlight of my day was definitely going to be securing a chat with a day nursery to get some work experience. I hope it'll be a done deal when I see them!

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