Wednesday 4 February 2015

A mixed bag

Out for the day

After the benefits crap yeterday, I had a 30 second cry and then forced myself to go round my best mate's anyway and I'm glad I went. I know that if I stayed home I would've have just moped and cried a lot more than necessary and turn it into a much bigger thing....well, money issues are pretty big, but anyways.

I had a great time as always with her and her little princess, we have so much fun! She climbs all over me and I jump her on my knee and she tries to balance standing on my feet, we do colouring and watch movies. It's just the best time and of course I love to catch up with my best friend, she's the loveliest, most loyal, understanding person in the world - I wish we could be neighbours haha!!

Journey home

The journey home was pretty horrible unfortunately, we're going through a particularly cold period in the south of the UK - at least for us it is - and it's not exactly 10 mins :/ I felt okay until for some reason people on the bus were irritating me really easily, it was like my senses were on overload and I could smell and hear everything. By the time I was almost home I was praying not to be sick or faint, I felt so ill!

Warm force field

Never found out what that was all about but I guess I was just uber hungry. When I was walking along the street just round the corner from my house, I suddenly started to daydream about Rufus - my last Woofability doggy - and how he would greet me in the mornings and all of a sudden it was as if I had a force field of warmth around me and I felt so happy and lucky.

I really do have a lot to be thankful for, I had a yummy meal when I got in, watched a lovely programme on tv with my parents and even got to have a chat with Tom on the phone - I always feel extra special when he calls!

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