Friday 30 January 2015

Baking Day!

Feeling: Tired, but satisfied

I've done a fair bit today and squeezed in some time for Criminal Minds! Do you watch that show too?

So this morning I baked some vanilla cupcakes, followed by lunch with my sister, then in the afternoon she baked a chocolate cake while I did my thing (pronounced thaaaang) tidying up the living room and rearranging our stuff so that it looked pretty and presentable.


Why all the preparation? My mum's a fundraiser for a local charity called Mosaic that supports child bereavement. Go to their website here. We are having a coffee morning tomorrow from 10-12am to raise money for them :) hence all the baking! There's also going to be a little 'Bring & Buy' stall that I promised to manage. We have some things already to sell, but the idea is people can bring things they want to get rid of and they can be put on the stall straight away.

Time alone

Dad has been his frustrating self as per usual, but it's aaaall good. I just have to remember to take time out and be by myself in my room sometimes. I haven't been alone in a while and I think I'll start getting irritable if I don't 'balance' out my time.

Seeing Tom

When I'm with Tom I'm not too fussed about alone time because it balances out itself, what with his lectures and lab work. I really had a lovely fortnight with him and I am glad I was there to stop him from stressing out too much. Having said that, I can't tell whether I helped, but he did say he felt better with me there. He is on top of his work and isn't feeling too bad, but the next couple of weeks will be a tricky cluster of deadlines, so my visit was well timed!


rushi said...

ya i watch criminal minds but i'm more fan of 'the mentalist' to me it's best crime investigation series.

Unknown said...

I did watch The Mentalist a little a long while ago, I should watch it again from the beginning :)