Thursday 1 January 2015

My 5 Steps to a Healthier Mind!

Now, I won't shove any of these ideas into your face like a salesman, these will be things you will have likely already heard of as ways to improve your wellbeing and such, but I thought it would be a good idea to make a post and try to summarise what has helped me the most.

I have tried a few things over the years and am happy to answer any questions anyone has about getting help.

What has helped me:

Not giving up
Trust that good feeling will come a a result of your efforts
Confiding in my GP
Make the most of your friendships
Small to do lists!

I know none of this is new, but really these are the rules I have been living by (without realising it) for the past couple of months and I can feel a difference. There is still a way to go of course, we have to be realistic with the time these things will take and it is the mind we're talking about - it is capable of amazing things, but don't great things need time?

I will make a second post on these pointers to explain how they've helped me another time. Goodnight!

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