Saturday 10 January 2015

Rufus Drop-off

Feeling: Under the weather

No sleep

It's been a dramatic couple of days, yesterday I was very emotional because the night before I had stayed in the living room with Rufus all night and I didn't sleep at all until 7:30am and I got 4 hours. So after that I didn't want to have another night like that so dad and I took Rufus back yesterday morning.

I was fine until mum asked me to tidy and hoover the living room from chewed up sticks and doggyness and my eyes started to well up, I very quickly became upset and curled up on the sofa with mum cuddling me because I was in floods of tears. It occurred to me how important I felt when we had Rufus and especially with him because he became very much attached to me, so I was everything to him, I provided everything he needed and I loved having the responsibility - it helped me just as much. I would've been fine, just a bit sad, if I'd had any sleep so mum tucked me in to her bed for a nap and I eventually nodded off for an hour. Thankfully, it did help a bit.

Unwell family value pack

Feeling more restful which is good, but unfortunately I'm not well :( my sister was unwell for a couple of weeks with a flu-ish cold, a bad cough, you know January, and mum and I have caught it so we're all under the weather!

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