Monday 5 January 2015

Woofability doggy no.3!

Feeling: Knackered

I'm pretty tired and its getting late, so I won't post too much buuuuut we went to Woofability to pick up our third dog! I mean, we take them back each time, we don't have 3 in our house ^.^

I will post some photos of him soon! He's called Rufus, he's a black lab and almost 3 years old, so like Hudson he's reaching the end of his training. We picked him up this morning and this afternoon I had my therapy session so he came with me - he didn't enjoy the bus! I don't really blame him, he can't get comfortable because he slips and slides whenever we brake.... buses are more jolty I realise! Too bad, because we're back on the bus tomorrow to my best friend's cottage!

I think I will want to stay in tomorrow, but I also know I will enjoy going over to my best mate's and it will be relaxing...ish. I will be a bit on edge, watching Rufus so he doesn't chomp on anything :/ we'll see ha!

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