Thursday 1 January 2015

Christmas 14

Feeling: Okay

So it is January 1st and time for everyone to bring out the 'new year, new me' remarks. Well I hate to add to it because after a while it gets pretty annoying, but put less dramatically I have been feeling real progress over the past 2 months :D how about that then!


I should probably take a step back and go over my Christmas a little. It was a lovely holiday both with Tom's family and my own., I spent Christmas Day with Tom's family and on Boxing Day we drove to mine for Christmas Day 2! Two days of present opening = fine by me :D

I enjoyed having Christmas with Tom and his folks, but I must admit it didn't feel very festive. That's the problem that comes with growing up in a family/house that becomes a Christmas grotto - nowhere feels as festive as home! Although his family are lovely, they aren't a very chatty, bubbly group so for me it was as opposite to my house as possible, but it was really nice! Honestly!

Tom left on Sunday 28, so it's not even been a week *sigh* I hope I sleep better tonight, so far I've had 2 nights of almost no sleep, 1 night of not even knowing how much sleep I got (you know, when you're in between awake and asleep, but for the whole night) and 1 night - last night - of a horrible dream where our relationship was on its last legs! My goodness, what is WRONG with me?!! I swear I'm not needy, but I get so comfortable and used to the nights with him that when I'm by myself again, my body freaks out at all the sudden extra space!

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