Sunday 4 January 2015

Wasting time

Feeling: Borrrred

I feel really fed up, but it's not like I'm in a bad mood, I just don't want to do anything productive. I have that feeling generally most days but it's pretty strong today. I did get up (eventually) and had breakfast...okay brunch.

Even thought my relationships with my family have gotten so much better, I still need my alone time to "recharge" and breathe a bit. I am at a funny stage where I am fighting through and, because my problems affect my mood and behaviour, I have to kind of recalibrate and remember when I am just being me!

So it's half 3 and am I doing anything worthwhile? Nope. Well, I've done a teeny bit of marketing for Threadkin and I'm breaking in the habit of posting to my _threadkin_ and _threadkinlife_ instagram accounts more often. Howeverrr, I haven't done any physical embroidery in over a month! I prepared a new hoop piece and I have it right next to me with the threads, needle and...nope, not feeling it.

Yes, my CBT Therapist is in my head saying 'You'll never feel like it, just do it anyway.' UUUHHH damn it. Maybe it's because I feel like I've been busy, going out a few times during the week and seeing people, so I want a super low-key day and spend some quality time with my laptop and maybe a book :D

Maybe I'll pick up my embroidery a bit later :)

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