Thursday 8 January 2015


Feeling: Like I could sleep for a week

Very early start

I am just... beyond pooped, it's been such a long day. I had to get up at 6:20 to stop Rufus barking and calm him down, he needed to go outside but it was pouring with rain and he suddenly didn't want to go when I opened the door! It was pretty funny :P
am just...

I intended to go back to bed, but I stayed up thinking 'I'm tired, but probably too awake to go back to sleep now' :( we went to a park a 20 minute walk down the road for almost an hour of playing fetch and running about. Him, not me. My hips would hate me - the first lesson I learnt with the first dog I took in.

After our bit of exercise we hopped onto one bus, then another in order to get to my best friend's house. He was much better on the bus today than he was on Monday, he was much calmer and lay down (most of the time). On each bus, I sat on the foldable chair with my back to the big backrest where a wheelchair user would be so he can get used to staying in that spot on a bus for a journey.

Bad dog!

It was lovely being with my bestie and her little girl again, but my goodness Rufus was a paaaiiiin! Snatching food out of people's hands in the blink of an eye, sniffing chocolate wrappers, barking at her little girl at one point, he was just so darn difficult. We did our best to keep their living room clear of wrappers and anything treat-like.....or edible... but when it's a family home with a 3 year old, there is bound to be bits here and there, some biscuit crumbs, half a glass of juice left, you know. And for a labrador, it was heaven, he was trying to get at everything and I mean everything. I really lost my patience with him because I was starting to get tired so my fuse got shorter and shorter.

Fortunately, he was pretty good walking home and on the buses and I managed to sneak out of our living room while he napped to have a bubble bath truly by myself!

Lesson: Go back to bed when your gut tells you you'll be better off with the sleep.

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