Tuesday 13 January 2015

Surprise Plan Discovered!

Feeling: Wary

Surprise trip

It is Tom's birthday this coming Saturday and because I know how he feels being back at uni, my family suggested I travel down to surprise him on the day and stay for a couple of weeks! Sadly, he ended up finding out :( it had to come out, he was planning to go home for a few days and wouldn't be back there til Monday. PANIC TIME! So I had no choice but to reveal my plan, I couldn't have fibbed around it but oh well. I was a bit annoyed for a bit just because I was excited to see his reaction and it would have been my first surprise trip to see him, but meh. He's looking forward to me coming down anyway.

Can't keep track

Right now, to do tasks are whirring around my head and I'm not quite sure where to start :/

Pack my suitcase, remember mum's present and card for Tom, wrap own presents, go to the doctor's, send my medical certificate in the post, meet up with my bestie, do everything to get rid of this darn cold, wax, do nails - getting girlier - eyebrows, prepare some embroidery pieces for journey and stay, pick up train tickets in advance, sort out benefit payments...

Errmm :S well the to do lists will be made on a day-to-day basis and somehow I'm sure I'll do everything :)

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