Friday 22 August 2014


Mood: Nervous

Oooooh my goodness, this morning is a total whirlwind, I am running around like a crazy person......okay, like me. I'm leaving home actually as soon as I'm ready - I haven't even eaten yet - I'm going to be the one holding us up!

I knew I had so much to do :/ I was so knackered though - it's my own fault, I was up on my laptop til 1 listening to some of my favourite songs that are new on high volume! Not exactly winding down music...

I'm packed, newly washed hair, smelling nice, and I've packed everything I need: Notes, uni student card, tons of pens, clothes, makeup etc.

I'm not taking my laptop which is why I'm making a quick blog post now before I go, I will be away for at least a week, so there won't be any posts :( BUT as soon as I'm back home I will tell you all about the exams and how I'm feeling. I'll be in a much better place :D

Wish me luck!! Xx

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