Friday 8 August 2014

Fed up

Mood: Irritated

I've had a nice, long chat with my mum this morning about how my grandpa is - mum is up north in Lancashire for a few weeks to sort out things going on with my grandpa because he isn't well.

We have a couple of italian guys staying with us because they are friends of the family and want to study, to find jobs etc. I am losing my mind. Honestly though, it has been okay mostly, they have been here for 2 weeks and they are nice guys. I want the house back though! They are moving out this afternoon, then it just me and my dad. My sister is coming back from Lancashire - she was with mum - in a few days, so it will be really nice to have female company again tehe!

Gone cold turkey off my meds

So, I will be honest and upfront: I have been off my meds for about two weeks. I didn't deliberately go cold turkey, I knew that wasn't a good idea, but I was running out of my medication and the thing is, the doctor here doesn't know me. I have only met him the once and I don't feel comfortable going to a stranger to talk about something so personal.

It was easy when I was at uni because I saw the same GP from the beginning, so over time she got to know me and my perception of things. So yeah, I didn't make an appointment with the doctor and I had 3 pills left.... it just happened. After a couple of days, I kept putting it off even though I knew it was the proper thing to do.

Most of the time I have been actually fairly upbeat, which is why I hadn't felt it was too important to reach out to the doctor. I have been easily triggered now and again and when it comes to my exams, UHHH! I have cried so much. This probably doesn't make sense.

Emotional crying sessions over exams

My two exams are just over a fortnight away and I am revising almost every day. I am proud of how I have tried to apply myself. My family have been THE BEST! Reassuring me that however the exams go, they will still be proud of what I have done :) the most comforting thing I can be told, I tell you!

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