Monday 11 August 2014

Brightening up

Mood: Uplifted

I've been awfully lazy today - I even took an hour 'power' nap in the afternoon, just couldn't keep my eyes open - but I am in a good mood. Probably because I haven't touched my revision.

Got some things done this morning which involved using the phone and it went really well, I was pretty shaky and stumbled over my words a bit, but the ladies I spoke to followed what I was saying so it went fine. I am so relieved and proud of myself!!

I used the phone and it went well!

Bank stuff has come through as well which means I can get cracking on my Etsy shop - eek! So today it has felt that the ball is rolling a little. Tomorrow I am determined and will shove myself out the door if I have to, because there is a shop I really like - not clothes shop, it's a greengrocer, so lots of fruit and veg yum yum - and they happen to be recruiting for a part-time..... I think shop assistant. I would love to get it!

If I can get a part time job, get into an online, at-my-own-pace course and hopefully volunteer with some lovely dogs I will be all set.

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