Tuesday 12 August 2014

Ahh freshness

Mood: Happy

Feeling lovely, clean and fragrant :) had a fab shower this morning. I love just washed, dry hair - soooo silkyyyyy! The weather isn't too great, it's super cloudy but the occasional sun ray sneaks through. Still, let's keep our mood up up up! My favourite pamper products at the moment are The Body Shop's Moringa range, it smells divine.

Nice scents are a very powerful mood booster

A big change that has occurre since I moved home is that I am not having trouble sleeping in regards to my PTSD, it has really diminished. I don't want to say completely because of course there is and will be the odd image flashback or something - one did get me last night but I somehow brushed it off! So proud of myself for that.

Now that my sister is back home, I feel I have an even stronger support system, especially in the Cuddle Department. So, today I am going to:

Do a CV run
Have some sewing machine fun
Make some more Etsy listings

When I open my Etsy shop, I will blog about it so you know and can maybe visit if you wished :) Oooh I've just had the idea of maybe making a second blog site for my shop!! I could post about plans for collections, popular pieces, upcoming pieces, snippets of the behind the scenes process. What do you think?

Craft shop blog?

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