Thursday 14 August 2014

How do I gain a business mind?

Mood: Motivated

I am feeling ready for it all today - I really don't know where these positive surges come from, they seem pretty random - so today is going to be:

Alternating-Between-Revision-and-Etsy-Planning Day!

By the end of the day I want to have built up a theme for my Etsy shop and really understand my target market. I need to also work on some design ideas for my logo and try my hand at a slogan, once I have figured out my USP (Unique Selling Point) etc.
My mood/vision board

A few hours later...

Okay, bored now. My creative, arty streak for the day has run out. At least the researchy side has. I haven't come up with a logo, BUT I have made on Paint (god bless old school paint) a mood board if you like with lots of pics and things to help me visualise what I want from my shop.

Lots of pastels, wedding style pieces, cupcakes, pastel macarons, simple lace. Basically, as girly as crafts can get!

Uhhh feel a bit sick :/ my tum! It's just exam nerves. D'you know, most days I've woken up with some ache or pain - if exam stress were an illness, it would be having a party inside of me right now. One day I can't put weight on one leg and limp about, then I have tummy cramps, then I don't know, a headache.... I'd take physical illness any day though in comparison to what I've had enough years of, but then I suppose it's one of those 'grass is greener on the other side' type things.

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