Sunday 10 August 2014

Crying like a lost kitten

I keep trying to revise, but I nearly always end up in tears because I'm so fed up and tired of going over subjects I don't understand - it's like constantly telling me that I'm stupid. I know how my exams will turn out.

I was in my favourite maxi dress today and went out for a couple of things - all the shops I wanted to go to were closed - and now I've gotten my revision out. I started to feel really cold so I've switched into my pyjamas and dressing gown - as scruffy as I could get short of having greasy hair.

Just want to stop crying

The kind of thing I'd turn to my boyfriend about, but that's a thing of the past, I'll turn to family for almost everything now. They are the best to turn to and I am much stronger with family lately, it's been great. I wish these exams didn't get me into such a state - nothing even depends on them going well, my future can be what I want regardless of whether I pass - so why am I getting so upset all the time when I think of my exams??

* * * * *

Family comes to the rescue!!

Uhhh I love my family so much, what would I do without them. Cried on dad's shoulder for an hour - would have been longer if he didn't have to scarper for work - and the tears were flowing still.

So, I tried my grandpa's house (where my mum and sister are staying): no answer
Sister's phone: nope
Then, without much hope - I thought mum was probably visiting my grandpa in hospital - I tried mum's mobile and HOORAH! My sister answered :D and from being unable to talk and just howling vowels down the phone between sniffles (in true Ron Burgundy style), she calmed me down and even got a giggle out of me.

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