Saturday 16 August 2014


Mood: Ggrrrr

It is strange - I had the best dream ever, my idea of heaven - but I'm in a bad mood this morning :( I dreamt of having a wicker basket in my room full of kittens and a fluffle (that is the correct term!) of bunnies.

Kitten and bunny dream

I think the bunnies were at the bottom and the kittens were on top, squishing them! They kept escaping and running around my room and I had to run around chasing them. The kittens were exact ones I saw in a photo online, I'll post it.

Proud of my productivity

My sister is helping herself to painting my bedroom wall. I pride myself on doing it so it's irritating me. Whenever I find something that I can and will do, nowadays I want to hold onto it..... okay you can leave now. You've done plenty, byyyyyeee. I think my mood was fine until I was in the kitchen and she pulled up my pyjama bottoms with wet rubber gloves she was wearing. That kind of thing always pisses me off - was that really necessary? If it was, couldn't you have bothered to take the gloves off?! Uuhhh

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