Tuesday 19 August 2014

Don't have any drive left

Mood: Unmotivated

Slept so well and had a little cosy time this morning. Isn't your bed the most delicious place to be in the morning! I don't know how some people just get up straight away, my covers and pillows are too comfy and squishy :)

The Comfort Zone

My sister came up to my room while I was still in bed and said she was going out later if I wanted to come *deep sigh* great, good start. I think most people would see it as a nice thing, being asked for your company and all, but because of my outside anxiety I just see it as being pushed out of my comfort zone and I HATE being out of my comfort zone, especially when it's thanks to someone else. I don't care what anyone says about it being good for you bla bla bla, while my exams are still round the corner I am going to use the word revision to get out of everything. I have said plainly that I don't want to go out before, but I get a bit of silent frustration thrown back at me. What's your problem, I'm not stopping you from going!

Exams in 7 days

I am grateful that she wants me to be with her, that is really nice, but my family knows how I feel about leaving the house - at least marginally. I genuinely do want to try to revise whenever possible now that my exams are in exactly a week and I am getting really irritable whenever someone suggests going out for the day - I'm instantly thinking 'I can't afford to go out for the day, the exams are so close!!''.

Sooooo I'm sitting at my desk with notes and lined paper and plain paper and highlighters... uuuhh. At least now I know I can attend graduation like everyone else even if the exams are a bust, because I might be (it's pretty certain in my mind) given an exit award, so I still leave with a qualification to show something for my year.

Worst case scenario: Exams are horrendous, not awarded exit award either = still have Foundation Degree.
Doesn't sound that bad to me actually.

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