Friday 15 August 2014

Out with the old

Mood: Knackered

So this morning has been spent - with the sis - doing a massive clearout of our workshop/shed in our back garden. It's stuffed full of stuf we don't need so after lunch, we're going to the tip to chuck it all away.

Throwing things away is very therapeutic

I'm in a good mood though :) just hungerful at present. Both my sister and I love to detox and get rid of things, so we are feeling good about making space. It's a great space with work tops, it could be used as a studio - and it is full of our mum's craft things, her collection is....impressive - we could all make use of it.
* * * * *

I have been revising like a little STAR this afternoon :D at least, I have tried to..... I don't think I could recollect any of what I have just covered if you asked me about it.

Push for the stride!!

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