Thursday 21 August 2014

Leave me be!!

Mood: Frustrated and irritable

I like to blog in the morning because it's when I'm my most upbeat after a good, long sleep but lately I've been so grumpy.


I feel like I've barely had any time to myself, I'm starting to get that crushed/can't breathe feeling more often and I hate iiiiiit! Leave me be, stop checking on me, I'm not a newborn! I can't bare it. See, my sister is very maternal with me and has been my whole life and I on the other hand - and I'm going to be completely honest on here because I want to be real with you - I could easily be an only child. I know that's horrible and I do love my sister, but I feel pestered all day.

This morning was another case of her coming up to my room (my bedroom is the attic) - I thought 'Sod it, let's pretend to be asleep' - I don't want a morning chat, let me wake up in peace :/

I know some people can't stand to be alone and want company whenever possible, but I'm so different to that.

I'd say I like company.....hmmm.... about 40% of the time?

Ohh well, tomorrow I'm back at my boyfriend's for a week, HOORAAAH! Can't wait to see him and his dogs, I might be able to see his nephew :D he was born only a few days ago! Sure, I'm there for the exams but I see it as a break

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