Thursday 13 August 2015


Feeling: Irritated
Listening to: Radio 2
Berry Picking time!

I really enjoy berry picking at our (I say our, it's dad's baby really) allotment, but I just never feel like heading over because it's a loooong visit. I'm a little wary of going today because I have my blood donation appointment in the afternoon and you have to make sure you eat til food comes out of your ears beforehand or they won't let you donate. They don't want anyone fainting on them! Like my sister did..

Still! It'll be nice and relaxing. I'd ideally like to go as soon as possible, but dad's swanning around in his pjs :/ COME OOON, LET'S GO!


Why is it that none of us can do something differently to how you think it should be done?!! Uuuuughhh so aggravating.

If you want to do anything DIY related, you're better off waiting until he's out of the house, because he will watch over you the entire time, breathing down your neck and giving you 'advice' nonstop. For goodness sake, either do it yourself or go away!!!

For a while, I welcome his advice. He's my dad and there is a lot he can give me advice on. The thing is, he never stops to let you figure anything out for yourself and often just takes over whatever it is you were doing.

To be honest, sometimes we use it against him to get him to do jobs! I was starting to spray paint our garden furniture a new colour, it was going to be a really fun job. He helped me prepare for it which was nice of him and I started painting....the 'advice' kept coming.......and coming.....til eventually I let him take the spray paint and show me how to do it 'properly'. By this point, I stormed off and left him to it.

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