Friday 21 August 2015


Feeling: Very tense

I feel like I'l have a panic attack some time soon. Oh my goooood. I've been losing sleep ever since my uni sent me an email with the date of my induction day. It is 4 weeks away and it has hit me that I have to find the money somewhere to afford the journey :( oh god.

* * * * *

Why can't I be left ALONE?!

Feel like everyone's pestering me about something all the time. I'm getting headaches from the money worries, I don't need my sister trapsing about the house and talking to me as if it's a matron-patient relationship. Guuuhh she can drive me so mad with her maternal ways, we're almost 5 years apart but it feels more like 15.

Okay. My mum and her friends get here in just over an hour. Once they're here it'll be fine, until then I am staying in my room and counting to 1 000... maybe I should be back on my meds? :/ I'm only like this with my sister, I get irritated by everything she does. If she isn't practicing, she's singing along to whatever's playing including my Disney films, which I want to be left to enjoy in peace. I don't want to hear your voice anymore, I hear it enough from all your practicing!!

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