Monday 17 August 2015

Blogilates morning + productive afternoon!

Feeling: Productive
Watching: My Little Pony (click to watch the same episode!)

This morning, my sister and I worked out like maniacs, thanks to Blogilates! Every workout is killer and you're guaranteed to feel it the next day! So long as you warm up beforehand and stretch afterwards, I highly recommend her videos. She also has a brilliant website where you can download free monthly plans where she has planned which videos you should do on each day, as well as healthy food recipes and motivation to keep you going!

Now that I've had a lush hot soak in a bath and washed my hair, I feel like being productive this afternoon!

What to do, let's see:

  • Wash my makeup brushes
  • Detox my bedroom
  • File some paperwork into folders
  • Decide what to do with hair in proper detail (I know the colours I want, I just can't decide how I want it in my hair)

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