Sunday 16 August 2015


Feeling: Worried

More than ever, I really want to go all out with bright, colourful, unicorn hair! I'm starting to worry a little though.


Some people might not see how my hair colour is relevant, but my appearance would reflect on where I work e.g. the primary school or day nursery.

The fact of the matter is a lot of places would consider my appearance unprofessional and, although my hair is still a natural colour, it is still a worry as I'm almost dead set on getting it done. I haven't planned when to do it or anything, but I'm in the position where I'm itching to book a salon appointment and just take the plunge into the wonder of UNICORN HAIR. I just can't until I have a good idea of hard it'll be for me to find work.

I do have the advantage of planning to work with little ones up to the age of 5, because had I gone for teaching any older than that I certainly would not find work anywhere, or I'd find it very tough at the best of times.

I have this strong feeling that I could get away with it in early years so long as I can really
promote myself and have potential employers see a great reception teacher/day nursery carer, rather than some random with bright hair. I'd have to really push the fact that I'd take my job seriously.

I don't see why my hair colour should reflect badly on my work ethic or how I manage with little ones. If anything, I think it would help! The kids would LOVE IT! Of course, I wouldn't let them be distracted from their activities, the only matter is convincing whoever is interviewing me of that :/

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