Friday 14 August 2015

HOW TO: Detox your bedroom

Let's clear the chaos!

I LOVE to put my room through a detox! My room looks better, my mind is calmer and everything is in its place!

The first thing to think of is what you are trying to achieve: Do you want to throw things away or do you just want to rearrange your room? If you don't want to throw things but you don't want to keep them either, why not give them to a charity shop?

What I find useful is categorising my things into piles, so either get some plastic bags or cardboard boxes or you can use any large space like the floor, whatever you like. I prefer cardboard boxes, but I never have any lying around so I usually have a large plastic bag for things to throw or give to charity.

Make sure to have some of your favourite music playing so you get into a rhythm.

Once you know what your plan is, you can dive right in!

There's no right or wrong way to go about it: pluck things from all over or start from one end of your room and work your way round. If you don't know where to start, first look at your furniture. Do you want to keep your furniture where it is or do you want to completely change things around?  

I prefer to go through and categorise everything first. Slowly, I end up with a decent amount of things to get rid of, so that if I want to rearrange my bedroom furniture like my chest of drawers, I have already made it lighter and easier to move.

Be sure, when you are done, to get rid of the 'To Throw/Donate' pile as soon as you can after your detox, otherwise you will lose the same drive and you'll end up keeping this pile in your room. It would defeat the point of your whole tidy up, so get rid of it! I have to say, I have this pile from my last detox under my mirror still waiting for its trip to a charity shop.

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