Tuesday 11 August 2015

Grey but productive day!

Feeling: Happy
Watching: Mermaid Gossip on YouTube

Helloooo everybody!

Happy puppy am I
What do you think, should I be more big and bold and colourful? I think that would be nice. Sums up my personality after all :D

So, as you know from my last blog I am in a much better place than I was a couple of months ago, not that things were particularly bad, but over the past month or so I've been feeling much perkier.

Pretty grim day today, a big blanket of clouds has been hanging over us here all day, but it hasn't stopped us doing things! Mum and I have been doing more spring cleaning and I'm chuffed at my productivity :D I find it easier when my sis isn't around, I guess I see it as a chance to step up maybe? Who knows, but it's nice.

I am still spending most days in my pjs I do admit, but none of my clothes are comfortable yet! I'm still with Slimming World, but I had like a month off when I went to Tom's. THANKFULLY, I only gained 2 lbs - a miracle! I honestly thought it would be loads more, I would see this great heffalump in the mirror and bubble baths were more distressing than relaxing :/

What I should do is stop planning to do things and JUST DO THEM. I keep intending to do my insane workout dvd twice a week, but that certainly hasn't manifested.

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