Tuesday 18 August 2015


Our neighbours are the loveliest couple and they have gone away for a few days. They also have foreign students staying over at theirs - they have been there for a while and don't leave for another week or so. The wife has asked me to look after their cat while they're away and gae me some money for it, they're so kind.


Unfortunately there was a lack of communication to do with the couple's cat. I've looked after her before; feeding, letting her out and in again and giving her lots of attention. When I went over tonight, I forgot that the girls were there until I heard creaking above me as I went to the back door to let their cat in - let's call her P! One of the students, who already knows me and my family, creeped down the stairs as I was trying to call P back indoors.

She comes down, tells me she already let her in. Oh. Well, then I had the awkward position to say 'Hey I know you're living here for the time being, but I'm going to be coming over twice a day to care for the cat, not you'. How do you say it politely?!


She said it's all fine, but I don't think it is. I'll probably go over in the mornings and they'll have already let P out. Okay, put some food out. When I go over in the evenings, they'll have probably let her in before I get there and the food is out already from earlier. That's almost the whole job.

They really kindly gave me money for looking after her, but I won't feel right keeping the money if I've barely done anything. On the other hand, I need the money, any money that comes my way is very warmly welcomed but if what I suspect will happen does happen I'll have to give it back to them.

We'll see.

* * * * *

What did I tell you! Went over first thing this morning - she was let out last night and hasn't been back since. This better not continue like this.

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