Wednesday 1 October 2014

A bittersweet day

Feeling: Heavy

It's been a bittersweet day - great news for me, but a terrible day for mum. I feel like such a burden.

The Good News

Click image for Woofability's website
I had a home visit from Woofability this afternooon, ironed out queries and signed a declaration to promise to give the dogs back haha. EXCITIIING!! Oh my gosh, I can't believe it. Soooo, I'm getting my first dog this weekend! I will post photos so you can see :D it is brilliant how Woofability works - my puppy socialising revolves entirely around my own schedule, I can determine when and for how long I'll have a dog - but for the near future, as I'm new, the... hmmm what shall I call them... dog stays will be short until I get used to giving the dogs back (heck that'll take a while if it happens at all).

The Bad News

Poor mumma :( she really holds up the family and keeps us going in every way a mum can, but she can't stand her job anymore - it's evolved from lots of work with people to practically all work through the computer screen - to the point where she broke down in a meeting this morning and a colleague friend brought her home. It's resulted from a multitude of things - my grandpa's health, work getting worse, a chest infection that won't bugger off.

After coming home, mum went to see the GP and got signed off work for the week - a relief, at least she can focus on getting back to herself 100% - with antibiotics for the chest infection. Things were looking up until mum rang my uncle to catch up on news of grandpa.... sadly, it's never a pleasant conversation but mum stayed with dad in his studio and had a bit of a cry on his shoulder. I could tell that things hadn't exactly improved, but mum said that he isn't far from....well, you know :(

When I think of what mum does for me and the whole house, she really is a force of nature, I start tearing up because mum gets little in return. We are very fortunate in many ways, but.... *sigh* poor mum, she's keeps us afloat financially, she can't exactly leave her job for another she'd enjoy more, sadly the chances of one popping up that also pays better is just so slim.

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