Sunday 5 October 2014


Feeling: Out of the loop

Going to the loo

I was panicking last night about Penny not going to the bathroom before bed! How silly :P I'm fine when I'm with Tom's greyhounds because I've done it many times and they always go with a little encouragement. Sooo maybe I just have to do this a few times? Toilet training is instilled in them within a few weeks of age and, with Penny, she's stayed with many first time Woofability volunteers.

Out of the loop

Remember how my bedroom is the attic? I have these annoying, creaky steps that are shaped for the left or right foot. So Penny wouldn't be able to go up to my room :(

I can't hear anything that goes on, well a little on the first floor, but nothing else. So I can't hear her if she calls to use the bathroom in the night. Someone left the living room door open all night, whereas I thought it was shut, but anyway, Penny went up to my sister's room. Her room is paradise for a dog because it's got all things they love to put in their mouth all over the floor - she's not the tidiest - so my sister let her out.

I'm also not the first to get up in the morning - so my sister fed her breakfast. I would've woken up early especially for her, but I needed the sleep. My left hip grinded in the socket whenever I moved - I can't recall that ever happening through the night - so I was up until a bit late I think.

* * * * *

Today might be a new day, but my hip is still the same. I might take her for a short walk round the nearby houses. I'd like to spend some time just me and her - I might be the biggest animal lover in the house but I'm also the most used to doggy company, so my family have been a little wrapped up with her. Don't get me wrong, that's really sweet and it's a nice experience for everyone, I just, I don't know :/

I thought I was jealous of them spending time with her, but that's not it. My family help to ease the sense of responsibility which was quite overwhelming at first, but I feel okay after her being okay through the night. Besides, I get to look after her and give the middle-of-the-night task to whoever else hears it :P

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