Wednesday 15 October 2014

Thank heavens for my medication / Threadkin

Feeling: Tired.

Probably because it's half 1 in the morning. I have been doing wonderfully on my medication, it feels so good to be proactive, productive and happy around family.

I don't wake up feeling nervous for the day ahead, now I just get up

My medication is a sot of 2 in 1, it slows down my spinning anxiety thoughts and lifts my mood as well. My mood has definitely balanced and my mum even said she can see the tremendous difference in my behaviour now compared to before. Maybe now mum sees that I really benefit from them :)

Threadkin update

Threadkin is going steadily, the etsy shop has been open just over a fortnight and still no sales, but hey it's a very tough industry and businesses are always slow to begin with. With the effort I'm putting into social networking, thankfully in that sense I'm generating interest at a pace that I'm content with!

Mental health isn't very business-savvy

Every now and then I want to tweet (on my business twitter account) mentioning my depression and coping with it along with the business starting out, but I decide against it. The sad fact of the matter is I can't help but think it would look like a...not a weakness, but...that it would make people think less of my products and my little baby business :(

I hate to think it, but admitting I have mental health problems might put people I've started networking with off, as if I'm no longer a contender and worth community support. I'll do some research online to see if other people have spoken up about it as a topic.

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