Friday 10 October 2014

You're at peace now, Grandpa

Feeling: Okay

It's a bittersweet time....leaning to more bitter. We received some bad news from my grandpa's care home yesterday evening that he had passed away.

A sad family time

In a way, we're all dealing with it okay, because he was deteriorating for a long time and in a sense we lost the man we know long ago :( the hardest thing for me is to see mum dealing with it. We lost grandma 9 years ago and I remember the night we got the news very vividly, mum is handling things much better. Mum was a lot more emotional seeing him get worse, but now mum can let go and take comfort in that he isn't in pain or uncomfortable anymore.

The purest form of peace

No matter what your opinion is of life after death, I think we all can agree that it is the purest form of peace.

My grandma and grandpa at my parent's wedding in dad's hometown in Italy

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