Monday 13 April 2015


Feeling: Crap
Watching: Big Cat Diary - Season 1

I don't believe this!

I blogged about when I got sick from the day nursery before (See: OUT OF ORDER and HELLO CHEST INFECTION) and it took me around a month to eventually be back to normal 100%.

I've felt fine all week, but at the risk of being TMI my nose has been getting gradually more blocked over the weekend and last night I kept waking up *sniffles* ugh noo :(

Right, I'm going to have to be more proactive this time round, I can't be sick as long as last time. I'll go to my local Boots and get some immunity boosting things, vitamin tablets or something, I almost bought some on Saturday but I wasn't prepared to spend £7. Ha, it's not much considering what it does, but I didn't feel sick then :/

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