Monday 13 April 2015


Okay so, let's think of ways to get me out of this sniffly rut.

Buy immune boosting vitamins
Lots of water and warm drinks
Stay warm
Carry on with the day

I'm going to shower, wash my face and get dressed - still in my pyjamas spluttering on the sofa. A nice, hot shower will do me wonders I'm sure :) and I'll wrap up nice and cosy for when I head out to Boots. Thankfully, it's only a short walk to the nearest Boots, yay *sniffle*

Keeping the hot drinks coming isn't a challenge! Bring on the teeeaaa

The day will go on, I've got tasks to do around the house and I always perk up when I'm productive. That'll tackle the bleh, sluggish feeling colds bring with them.

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