Wednesday 15 April 2015


Feeling: Content

Welcome back

So, the house is complete again and so far so good :) mum and my sister came back last night in time for tea and told us all about what they got up to - poolside sunbathing by day, hotel entertainment at night - and it was nice to see them again.

I told them about my work experience, the new goldfish we bought the other day and how I've planted some seeds and they're getting taller every day :)

Feeling better

Woke up this morning feeling better - my nose is barely blocked at all, thank goodness. I hate having a blocked nose, it's the worst thing about a cold because you can't even get a good night's rest. So glad I slept well last night and no scary dreams, hoorah (I had one the night before and woke up in the night all hot and bothered)!

Today's plan?

1. Practice the piano (yeeeees there's a beautiful piece I'm trying to teach myself)
2. Complete some day nursery forms
3. Do some cross stitch (I'll probably reserve this for tonight with TV)
4. Put suitcases away (the duty of my bedroom as the attic)
5. Update my work experience log (little excel spreadsheet where I put the dates/hours etc)
6. Personal statement - okay, this is a bigger one.

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