Sunday 12 April 2015


It's been a colourful week at the day nursery - I don't like the term 'work experience', to me it sounds like I'm back in school.

I'm starting to get a good sense of the personalities of both the children and the staff and how their strategies differ. Some are much stricter than others, some are more bold and blunt whereas others might be more gentle. I used to think that there must be a clear cut mould to fit when it comes to working with children, but really there is the core, the foundation that they all stand by, but go about it at different angles.

My confidence is growing and I generally don't have to be told the same thing twice, I'm starting to internalise how the day nursery is run and talking to the little ones isn't nerveracking at all. You might think, how could it be nerveracking to begin with, but little ones ask all kinds of questions, some are difficult to answer, some are difficult to understands because they can't say some words correctly yet and if you're just not used to being surrounded by mini humans, it can be a bit overwhelming with them all scrambling and talking over each other!

I will be there for another 4 shifts over a 2 week period, after that hopefully I will be starting in a Reception class.

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