Wednesday 1 July 2015


Feeling: Tired
Watching: Bubzvlogz - YouTube

Not been an exciting day for me, I had a hoooorrible headache the majority of the day and, in desperation to rehydrate as fast as possible, I somehow managed to feel really sick. So I had an afternoon nap which left me feeling much better :)

My 23rd birthday

So, it's been over a month since my last post *slaps hand* so there's almost too much that's gone by that I can write about. Frankly, my memory is embarrassingly bad for my age...

I did begin writing a post on my birthday, but I guess I was too busy running around like a child dizzy on lemonade *yawn* couldn't be more different to me tonight ha! I got some lovely pressies including a pretty, white bird bath from my uncle, aunty and cousins and a Lush gift bag full of goodies from my boyfriend's mum :)

School experience

My time at the local Primary School has ended and it was the loveliest experience. I enjoyed being in Reception so much and I will miss so many of the little ones! I would actually dream occassionally of my favourite kids - ssshhhh - and it was really hard on my last day, all of them crowding around me, giving me cuddles and fighting over a turn to hold my hand in the playground!

The class teacher and teacher's assistant was so good with me and on my last day, they each gave me a card and a present - I felt terrible, I didn't give them anything! I was so chuffed :D

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