Thursday 2 July 2015


Feeling: Rested
Watching: Bubzvlogz - YouTube

Teacher training interview

While I was still helping in Reception - oh gosh, I'm trying to remember roughly where I was when I last posted..... not that I couldn't just read them -.... oh wow, I haven't written since my interview invitation?! Hmm right.

Yes, I was still going in to school for 3 days a week and enjoying it very much and then I had my interview email come throgh for Bath Spa. I was so chuffed that there was even spaces left, by that point I'd convinced myself that I was too late. I prepared really hard for the interview and I became pretty snappy at times with family, I was feeling the pressure.

I did my research and got the practical side of the day all sorted - I like to write down my train change times and possible buses so I don't panic if something goes wrong - and soon enough the day came for me to go. I'd say everything went well :) the B&B I stayed at was nice, the lady who ran it was lovely and so attentive and on the day I got to the uni in plenty of time for the interview!

I felt I did as well I could, considering the other candidates - it was in the form of a group interview - had all been in an education setting, if not early years, already and had a ton of knowledge and experience. I knew we were applying for different pathways of the same programme and all being assessed individually, but I still felt pretty small.

All I could do was try my best and it paid off, because I was offered a place on the course!! YES!

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