Friday 22 May 2015


Work Experience in Reception

I LOOOOOVE working in Reception! I think it's my favourite age in Early Years, they're wonderful little sparks! I have grown really attached to them. The one thing I remember from being in Reception was giving my teacher lots of cuddles and now I'm the one getting cuddles! :D

I am getting the hang of the Early Years Framework a bit more every day and I'm starting to zone in on what I'm looking for when I supervise and observe the children, so my confidence is getting higher all the time.

Postgrad Applications

I sent off my applications last week. I was sooooo stressed about it, every time I worked on my application forms I came close to tears because I've had no sense of whether it was too late or not.

In the end I applied to 2 universities: Bath Spa and Winchester. Both not tooo far from home - at least compared to the unis I looked up in the midlands -  and Bath Spa is near Tom's home which is a big bonus. I have an italian cousin who is working in the hospital there, but otherwise I won't know anyone - visits from Tom would be soo therapeutic.

There was a major disaster when it came to finally emailing Winchester my application because of technical problems, I was going crazy. Eventually it went through thankfully :)

To bring you completely up to speed, Bath Spa emailed me on Tuesday and invited me for an INTERVIEW!! EEEEEEEEKKKK!!

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