Friday 22 May 2015


Feeling: Driven
Listening to: You Rock My World - Michael Jackson

Slimming World: My first month

I'm on week 4 since joining Slimming World and I'm feeling good! I gained half a pound last week, but I've still lost 3 pounds since I started, so I've just got to focus on that :) also, since it's MY BIRTHDAY NEXT THURSDAY I'm determined to knock it out of the park and lose at least 2 pounds!

It's been tricky occasionally, but my group consultant is lovely, I have her number and can send her a message if I need advice or comforting :) it took me a couple of weeks to internalise the plan, what helped was making meal plans for the following week and shopping online so we only get what we need with no junk :) well, we don't like junk food really, but we love salty snacks and chocolate. Oooh I'm hungry now..

I have two slimming world cookbooks now and I've been making dinner almost every day from scratch, so it's building up my confidence in the kitchen which is great. How domesticated I am becoming!

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