Sunday 12 July 2015


Feeling: Bored

It's just occurred to me that I'm bored an awful lot of the time! I just haven't got important tasks to get on with each day, so I feel like I'm floating about the house aimlessly :/

Some people may not feel the need to have a kind of strategy plan for their day, but it gives me such a sense of purpose that is so crucial for me to keep thinking forwards.

What I have been up to, when the sun comes up, is soaking up the rays! We all need our Vitamin D and us Brits rarely get our share BUT so far this summer has been very good in terms of sunshine! Soooo happy to catch some rays and actually build a teeny tiny tan :D of course, being a 5 year old trapped in a 23 year old's body, I can't sit still for very long, and sunbathing requires a lot of lying still!

Saturday 11 July 2015

20 fun facts about me!

20 fun facts about me!

I have a big collection of Carry On films on video.

Morecambe & Wise are my favourite comedy duo of all time.

My sister is a classical singer.

My sister and I are the only lefties in our family.

I tried to get into modelling when I was 16, but I was too short (5"&7' then), too pretty (apparently) and not fresh enough (looked older than my age).

I enjoyed going to bars and clubs before I was old enough, then lest interest as soon as I was!

I've been teetotal for 2 years and proud :)

When I was little I thought I would be a poet. I wrote lots of short poems.

At GCSE level, I would go through the lesson plans too fast and do 3x as much as the rest of the class. I even asked for extra exercises to do in my spare time because I enjoyed it so much.

No one can beat me at Connect 4.... apart from my father *groooowl*

At Theatre School, I played Mary Magdalene (Jesus Christ Superstar), a nun (Hunchback of Notre Dame) and Golde (Fiddler on the Roof) - besides parts I can't remember.

I grew up playing Phase 10 and have taught it to friends over the years. My boyfriend really enjoys it!

Growing flowers in the garden for wildlife is a passion of mine.

I have joined slimming world to lose a total of 15 lbs/2 stone 1 lb. So far, I have lost 11.5 lbs :)

I have very acute hearing and can tell when people are singing even the tiniest bit sharp or flat. It's come in handy a couple of times before when my sister practices.

Love Disney and My Little Pony (the new gen). I don't care if people find that weird at the age that I am, if it's what I like, it's what I like!

I take forever to tan and I'm too impatient to sunbathe for long! Lose-lose situation :(

I have light skin pigmentation along my spine - if/when I tan deeply, it looks really cool!

My dream pet dog is a Samoyed, they are stunning!

I want a mermaid tail from Finfolk Productions so much!!

Tuesday 7 July 2015


Feeling: Bored
Watching: Bubzvlogz on YouTube

I am booooored out of my wits. *stomach rumble* yay, something to do!

Just finished doing some research for my course and downloaded some good info booklets that'll keep in handy. Now what?

Disney mad?

I don't know why, but the past few days I've been looking at Disney-related stuff obsessively, even before going to sleep on my phone and first thing in the morning! Watched Lilo & Stitch this morning and listened to some Disney songs later on.

Tapping into your inner child/princess/mermaid is like an escape from adult thoughts and worries. Also, I'm a sucker for happy endings! Omigosh, I watched Homeward Bound earlier - I was crying all the way through, almost the entire time! :P

I think I know how to solve my dilemma of boredom. MULAN!

Sunday 5 July 2015

Killing time

Feeling: Perky
Watching: Bubzvlogz on YouTube

What now?!

Bath Spa have given me some more course info - resources and tasks to do - so I have something to get on with.... I guess :/ I have another week before I pack for Tom's (I'm getting impatient, I'm dying to go and see him!), so what shall I do before then?!

Let's get scrapbooking!!

Mum said a while back that she'd treat me to a new my first scrapbook album if I get an offer for a place, because I've been wanting to get into scrapbooking for a while now. So after church - I go to help with the kids in Sunday School, but I love everyone there as well - we went to the great and glorious Hobby Craft and mum got me an album and I bought some inserts and some cute, sticky tags! Take a look here: _threadkinlife_ on Instagram

I've decided my theme for it will by my experiences as I become an Early Years Teacher. So far, I have a handmade card from the Day Nursery smothered in glitter thanks to the kids and card from my Reception teachers I worked with, so I will definitely put them in. I would like to take photos of the nursery and school to put in next to the cards :) ooohh and a little girl in Reception made me a couple of things, bless her, so they will go in too!

Saturday 4 July 2015

Best friend baby blues / Who would be there?

My closest friend had her second child a couple of weeks ago, a cutesy little boy :) I haven't had the chance to meet him yet. I feel like I'm waiting in line behind a thousand people to meet him and see my best mate.

While she was pregnant, we were doing really well at meeting almost once a week. I would usually travel to hers and spend time with her and her daughter, who is an adorable diva who likes going to Costa just as much as we do! Chip off the old block, this one.

I understand her priorities have changed since she became a mum, but.... I don't know, maybe I'm getting friend withdrawal symptoms ha! Please don't get me wrong, I couldn't be happier for her. I love her little girl and I'm sure I'll love her little boy as well. It was easier for her with the one child, but now she has a toddler and a baby, they are her world. Which is how it should be, of course. I still can't help feeling like I'm waving our friendship goodbye a bit.

Keeping friends

It is hard holding onto friends. I genuinely don't know who would be there for me and who wouldn't. Not that I don't know really good people, but I'm awful at judging someone's character when it comes to being friends.

If I didn't have my boyfriend Tom or my mother-of-two bestie, who would I ring if I needed someone to talk to? I wish I knew. It takes some hard work making and maintaining friendships and I am in serious need of work in that department.

Student finance / I NEED FUN!

Feeling: Out of it
Listening to: Woodkid - Run Boy Run

Massive storm

We had the craziest thunder and lightning last night! I've never seen so much lightning in my whole life, it was amazing to watch. I even filmed it for 10 minutes, I got some good lightning shots! The rain was insane as well and, being the lucky girl that I am, got a front row seat to what sounded like a rock concert in the sky as I hopelessly tried to sleep. Thank goodness I didn't have a need to rise early this morning.

Student finance pains

This gets tedious so damn quickly. I've emailed my programme leader for the course code which I need to submit my application. I could send it anyway, but it won't get assessed until my course details are confirmed, so I don't see the point in sending it now. I chose my time to focus on this well..... the weekend.....when she won't reply. Oops.

Need fun!

I need to do something fun to brighten up my day!

Maybe I'll buy that mid year diary I really like the look of from Paperchase. This is the one I want :) If you like it for yourself, click on it! £6.50, thanks very much.

What I have really been after is an Erin Condren LifePlanner, but not only are they expensive, they're based in California, so there's shipping on top :( in total, it would come to £45! They are good quality, but I think until I'm earning I will have an affordable, cutesy one :) maybe I will get a LifePlanner some day in the future.

Friday 3 July 2015

The Skills Test

The skills test

The interview wasn't the only hurdle. When you are offered a teacher training place - of any kind - you have to pass the Professional Skills Tests. There are 2 tests, one Maths and one English, to make sure your skills in each are a high enough standard to teach. Bear in mind, I know I don't write proper English all the time in my posts!

I felt far more confident for the English than the Maths, even though I have always been strong in both subjects. You don't exactly work out percentages and fractions every day, do you?!

So after each test, I had to go to reception for my results. the test is computerised, so your mark is calculated straight away. They print off your results and it will say whether you have passed or not. I was disappointed that the sheets didn't have the % mark on them, but I had no reason to complain.

I passed both first time!

Thursday 2 July 2015


Feeling: Rested
Watching: Bubzvlogz - YouTube

Teacher training interview

While I was still helping in Reception - oh gosh, I'm trying to remember roughly where I was when I last posted..... not that I couldn't just read them -.... oh wow, I haven't written since my interview invitation?! Hmm right.

Yes, I was still going in to school for 3 days a week and enjoying it very much and then I had my interview email come throgh for Bath Spa. I was so chuffed that there was even spaces left, by that point I'd convinced myself that I was too late. I prepared really hard for the interview and I became pretty snappy at times with family, I was feeling the pressure.

I did my research and got the practical side of the day all sorted - I like to write down my train change times and possible buses so I don't panic if something goes wrong - and soon enough the day came for me to go. I'd say everything went well :) the B&B I stayed at was nice, the lady who ran it was lovely and so attentive and on the day I got to the uni in plenty of time for the interview!

I felt I did as well I could, considering the other candidates - it was in the form of a group interview - had all been in an education setting, if not early years, already and had a ton of knowledge and experience. I knew we were applying for different pathways of the same programme and all being assessed individually, but I still felt pretty small.

All I could do was try my best and it paid off, because I was offered a place on the course!! YES!

Wednesday 1 July 2015


Feeling: Tired
Watching: Bubzvlogz - YouTube

Not been an exciting day for me, I had a hoooorrible headache the majority of the day and, in desperation to rehydrate as fast as possible, I somehow managed to feel really sick. So I had an afternoon nap which left me feeling much better :)

My 23rd birthday

So, it's been over a month since my last post *slaps hand* so there's almost too much that's gone by that I can write about. Frankly, my memory is embarrassingly bad for my age...

I did begin writing a post on my birthday, but I guess I was too busy running around like a child dizzy on lemonade *yawn* couldn't be more different to me tonight ha! I got some lovely pressies including a pretty, white bird bath from my uncle, aunty and cousins and a Lush gift bag full of goodies from my boyfriend's mum :)

School experience

My time at the local Primary School has ended and it was the loveliest experience. I enjoyed being in Reception so much and I will miss so many of the little ones! I would actually dream occassionally of my favourite kids - ssshhhh - and it was really hard on my last day, all of them crowding around me, giving me cuddles and fighting over a turn to hold my hand in the playground!

The class teacher and teacher's assistant was so good with me and on my last day, they each gave me a card and a present - I felt terrible, I didn't give them anything! I was so chuffed :D